I was injured and angry about being injured and didn't know who to turn to. Coming from a strict regimented training schedule of training 6 days a week (sometimes twice a day) to all of a sudden doing nothing but small physio strengthening exercises was a lot to take in. Sport-informed counselling helped me to create a new type of schedule and understand a new type of training to help with the gradual ease back into full time training. Through open discussions and sharing my fears and hesitations, I was able to mentally get back out on my bike and on the road again, and able to be mindful during a workout. I learned many strategies that I still use, such as my "emergency kit" to help ease anxiety not only during competition and races but in everyday life as well breathing techniques to ease pain and discomfort. Being asked the right questions helped me open up and guide me towards a more positive outlook on the situation. By working on my mental game I was able to set goals and learn to celebrate successes, big and small. I am now able to mentally push through the tough stuff when my brain tells me to quit; I now feel I can face/conquer anything!